Heartache Tonight – A tribute to The Eagles

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Show: Saturday, March 29, 7:00-9:00pm, doors open 6:00pmTickets: $17.50-$35, general admission, can purchase at the door the day of the event or online at www.whatcheeroperahouse.orgPopcorn, pop, and water will be served […]

Chris Ortiz Ventriloquist

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Chris Ortiz is a ventriloquist and comedian from rural Iowa. Whether it's for adults, children, or any age in-between, Chris Ortiz's sidesplitting humor and cast of characters will keep your […]

Country Buddies

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Show: Saturday, April 12, 7:00-9:00pm, doors open 6:00pm, seating is general admissionTickets: Freewill DonationPopcorn, pop, and water will be served during the showGrant Ranch Grub & Pub will be serving […]

Richland’s Easter Egg Hunt

Richland Square Richland, Iowa

It's that time of year again for the Easter Bunny to come hide some eggs in Richland! The hunt begins at 10:00am on the square. Rain or shine. Pre-K through […]