Heartache Tonight – A tribute to The Eagles

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Show: Saturday, March 29, 7:00-9:00pm, doors open 6:00pmTickets: $17.50-$35, general admission, can purchase at the door the day of the event or online at www.whatcheeroperahouse.orgPopcorn, pop, and water will be served […]

Chris Ortiz Ventriloquist

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Chris Ortiz is a ventriloquist and comedian from rural Iowa. Whether it's for adults, children, or any age in-between, Chris Ortiz's sidesplitting humor and cast of characters will keep your […]

Country Buddies

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Show: Saturday, April 12, 7:00-9:00pm, doors open 6:00pm, seating is general admissionTickets: Freewill DonationPopcorn, pop, and water will be served during the showGrant Ranch Grub & Pub will be serving […]

Richland’s Easter Egg Hunt

Richland Square Richland, Iowa

It's that time of year again for the Easter Bunny to come hide some eggs in Richland! The hunt begins at 10:00am on the square. Rain or shine. Pre-K through […]

Auxiliary’s Spring Vendor Fair

Keokuk County Hospital and Clinics 23019 Hwy 149, Sigourney, Iowa

Come to the hospital lobby to see all kinds of goods and services offered by local vendors and craftspeople. Its a great way to find unique gifts for the upcoming […]