Ghost Towns of Keokuk County

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Join Dave Baker of The 29th State on this fascinating program about Ghost Towns of Keokuk County. Dave will be exploring Atwood, Baden, Coal Creek, Garibaldi, Ioka, Slagle, Springfield, Talleyrand, […]

March Coffee Break- Engage Every Generation through Social Media.

Keokuk County Economic Development 112 E Washington, Sigourney, Iowa

KCED will host a watch party in the office for the March Coffee Break- Engage Every Generation through Social Media. Coffee will be supplied but feel free to bring your […]

Heartache Tonight – A tribute to The Eagles

What Cheer Opera House 102 S Barnes St, What Cheer, Iowa

Show: Saturday, March 29, 7:00-9:00pm, doors open 6:00pmTickets: $17.50-$35, general admission, can purchase at the door the day of the event or online at www.whatcheeroperahouse.orgPopcorn, pop, and water will be served […]